I wonder if this decade is going to be one of the 'iconic culture' ones, like the 1920s, the 1980s, the 2000s. I was going to say they seem to come every 2 decades, but can't really think of anything 'iconic culture'-y in the 1940s (maybe because half of it was during the war), and while the 1960s are also referenced often, it doesn't seem to align with the things we remember the '20s, '80s and '00s for.
I can think of a few reasons why this decade would make it, but at the same time I think they doom it a bit, TikTok is a great example of this. While it's shaped the way we communicate online humongously, it's also caused The Death Of The Collective a bit. What I mean by this is subcultures now have thousands if not millions of members, all over the world, but nowhere in the world at all. You'd be able to tell what someone adhered to by the way they dressed and where they hung out, but now everything is simplified into an aesthethic you wear in your bedroom to record a video.
The things you wear, the way you act, the way you wear your makeup, the places you go to are no longer representative of your affiliation to anything, they speak only of your taste, or what you want to project onto the world. Thus The Individual is born.
I don't think Individuality as this concept of non-association to anything is bad per-se, but it's something we've lacked up until the past few years. I wonder if this will somehow influence this decade's iconicity, for the worse or the better, for future generations, which in my (totally scientific, evidence-backed) predictions, is going to tend towards the homogeneity we once had.